Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Koch Brothers Launch A Surrogate War Against Pope Francis
"The Cornwall Alliance was quick to lash out at the Pope this week when he announced he would be issuing a “rare encyclical on the environment and climate change” early this year, as well as convene a summit of the world’s religious leaders to address climate change. Pope Francis will also address the United Nations General Assembly with a view toward influencing the upcoming U.N. meeting on climate change in Paris this year.
The Pope’s announcement drew a harsh rebuke from the religious right’s Cornwall Alliance, whose spokesman, Calvin Beisner, said that regardless of his position as Pope, or intent to help mankind, “Francis will be opposed by the powerful US evangelical movement.” The Koch-funded “Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation” had previously issued a biblical declaration labeling the American environmental movement a dirty false religion and “unbiblical.” There is nothing whatsoever in any version of the Christian bible that refers to the American environmental movement as a religion, false or otherwise, or contrary to biblical principles. But American evangelicals cannot be expected to know the contents of an alleged holy book they refuse to read much less follow."

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