Monday, May 30, 2016

It Is Time to Phase Out 9 Unnecessary Oil and Gas Tax Breaks
"The investment tax credit, or ITC, and production tax credit, or PTC, for clean energy have played an essential role in expediting the deployment of wind, solar, and other forms of clean energy in the United States. In December 2015, the U.S. Congress voted to extend the PTC and ITC. As part of the agreement, however, Congress decided to phase out these tax credits over time. This raises an important question, one asked by Sen. Brian Schatz (D-HI) in February: If policymakers phase out tax credits for clean energy, shouldn’t they do the same for the billions of dollars in tax breaks for the oil and gas industry? This fact sheet highlights nine tax breaks that should be phased out. They subsidize the oil and gas industry’s operations from beginning to end—from acquisition of the resource to extraction."

Threatened By Climate Change, National Parks And World Heritage Sites Draw Millions
"With spring now in full gear throughout most of the United States, it’s a good bet that Memorial Day Weekend will again be the busiest of the whole year at many national parks, including the Great Smoky Mountains, Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, and Utah’s Mount Zion. Last year, 305 million people visited National Park Service-administered sites, signifying the parks’ appeal to millions of Americans and world tourists. They’d better hurry. A report released Thursday from the United Nations and the Union of Concerned Scientists found that the threats posed by climate change particularly endanger the unique and fragile places on the planet: World Heritage Sites."

The Battle Over Public Drinking Water Has Just Begun
"the company announced it would build a bottled water facility in Phoenix, of all places, which prompted local outcry and a petition to get Nestle out of the desert city, which pipes nearly all its water from the Colorado River. Ironically, Lake Mead, one of the Colorado’s largest reservoirs serving Phoenix, recently hit its lowest point ever, another marker in the Western United States’ multi-year drought."

Bill McKibben on Exxon, the Power of Divestment, and Being Targeted by Shadowy Right-Wing Group

Donald Trump Only Believes in Global Warming When It Affects His Bottom Line—and His Golf Course @alternet

Donald Trump Only Believes in Global Warming When It Affects His Bottom Line—and His Golf Course @alternet:

"there is one instance when Trump is willing to acknowledge the acute impact of rising sea levels as a result of global climate change: when it threatens his golf course."

Memorial Day: Trump’s War On Climate Action Would Ensure A World Of Wars
"On Thursday, Donald Trump declared that if elected President, he would wage an all-out war against national and global climate action. On Friday, he went so far as to to deny the reality of California’s devastating drought. Because Trump gave his big energy and climate speech right before Memorial Day, it is altogether fitting and proper that we look at what Trump’s plans to destroy a livable climate would mean for the future of war."

Has Exxon Doomed Our Planet?

On Climate, Trump Promises To Let The World Burn
"In a speech laying out his energy agenda for the United States, Trump promised to undo essentially every major policy developed in the last decade intended to slow human-caused global warming."

Donald Trump Tells Drought-Stricken Californians There Is No Drought
"Trump, who has a long history of making flat-out untrue assertions about environmental issues, said he would quickly fix California’s water issues if he becomes president."

Fact-Checking Donald Trump’s Low-Octane Energy Policy

Fact-Checking Donald Trump’s Low-Octane Energy Policy

"Trump’s display of fealty to the oil, gas and coal lobbies was an exercise in crass opportunism."

Has the Fossil Fuel Industry Taken Us Off the Cliff?

The Trump energy plan—burn it down, burn it all down
"If there is a person in America for whom the Supreme Court nominations are not enough leverage to send them to the polls, surely this action list from Trump should be a motivator."

Trump’s Energy Plan Is Insane

Friday, May 20, 2016

Over A Third Of North America’s Bird Species Need ‘Urgent Conservation Action’
"Thanks to a multitude of threats, over a third of the bird species in North America are “of major conservation concern,” according to a comprehensive study released Wednesday. The report, released by the governments of Canada, the United States, and Mexico, is the first to look at the threats facing all 1,154 migratory bird species native to North America."

Attorneys General Funded by Big Oil Try to Block ExxonMobil Climate Fraud Probe @alternet

Attorneys General Funded by Big Oil Try to Block ExxonMobil Climate Fraud Probe @alternet:

"Exxon scientists conducted cutting-edge climate research decades ago and warned top management of the potentially catastrophic risks posed by global warming. Regardless, the company publicly emphasized uncertainty about climate science for years and, to a certain extent, still does. Furthermore, it has been financing a network of advocacy groups and think tanks to spread disinformation about climate science and the viability of renewable energy for the last two decades."

A Song Of Fire And No Ice: We Just Had Our Fourth Record-Breaking Hottest Month In A Row This Year
"NASA reported Friday, we’ve just been through the hottest April and the hottest January-April on record — by far."

The 4th Largest Economy In The World Just Generated 90 Percent Of The Power It Needs From Renewables
"On Sunday, for a brief, shining moment, renewable power output in Germany reached 90 percent of the country’s total electricity demand."

5 South Pacific Islands Have Been Swallowed Up by Rising Sea Levels @alternet

5 South Pacific Islands Have Been Swallowed Up by Rising Sea Levels @alternet:

"Rising sea levels and erosion have caused five islands in the South Pacific to completely disappear, researchers have said.  A further six islands have been partially destroyed by erosion and the phenomenon is already causing human displacement, pushing people out of their coastal communities and further inland."

Trump’s Newest Enemy: Environmentalists
"Donald Trump has officially taken aim at the environment. And environmentalists are starting to aim back. The billionaire and presumptive Republican presidential nominee fired first shots on Friday, when he announced his key energy policy adviser: U.S. Congressman Kevin Cramer, a North Dakota Republican who loves drilling for oil and denies human-caused climate change. Cramer is staunchly opposed to president Obama’s landmark climate change regulations, and is widely expected to advise Trump to repeal them. Trump fired once more on Tuesday, telling Reuters that he would, at minimum, “renegotiate” the U.N. global climate accord, an agreement between nearly 200 nations to keep global warming in check. “At a maximum, I may do something else,” Trump said, implying he would dismantle the agreement completely. Environmentalists have known Trump’s position on the environment and climate for years. The conspiracy theorist billionaire, for example, once said he thinks climate change is a hoax perpetuated by the Chinese (Trump later said the sentiment was “obviously a joke“) . He also apparently believes cold weather during winter disproves the theory of global climate change. But until this week, Trump had never really indicated how far he’d go to act on his beliefs about global warming. And now, environmentalists are starting to take notice."

Polluters In South Carolina Are About To Get A Huge Boost From The State House
"For the past 65 years, if someone — or some company — was illegally polluting in South Carolina, you could sue. The law was put on the books so that if South Carolina’s enforcement agencies didn’t have the time, money, or political backing to go after a polluter, the average citizen could step in. Now, with only a month left in its 2015-2016 session, the South Carolina legislature has picked up a bill that would do away with this ability. “No one in the public of South Carolina is calling for the repeal of their rights to protect their communities and clean water,” Frank Holleman, a senior attorney at the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC), told ThinkProgress in an email. “Instead, this is an example of the lobbyists for corporate polluters controlling politicians who will take away the rights of citizens in order to curry favor with major campaign contributors.” Holleman understands what is at stake here perhaps more than most. In early 2012, SELC filed a suit on behalf of a local water protection group, the Catawba Riverkeeper, against South Carolina Electric & Gas (SCE&G) over coal ash pollution in the Wateree River, near Columbia. Coal ash is a byproduct of coal-fired power plants. For decades, plant operators have dumped the toxic waste — which can contain heavy metals and carcinogenic chemicals — in unlined pits near waterways. That, in and of itself, is not illegal. But the pits have been tied to groundwater contamination and, in some cases, the companies have been found to dump the waste directly into the waterway, which is illegal. Coal ash is an ongoing environmental issue across much of the southeast."

Chomsky on Trump’s Climate Denialism: He Wants Us to March Toward the Destruction of the Species

Arctic Death Spiral Update: What Happens In The Arctic Affects Weather Everywhere Else
"This was the hottest four-month start (January to April) of any year on record, according to newly-released satellite data. The Arctic continues its multi-month trend of off-the-charts warmth. So it’s no surprise that Arctic sea ice continues to melt at a record pace. New research, however, finds that warming-driven Arctic sea ice loss causes high-pressure systems to get stuck in places like Greenland, leading to accelerated melt of the land-locked ice that drives sea level rise worldwide. Let’s start with the University of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH) satellite data, which show that the lowest part of the atmosphere (the lower troposphere) was an impressive 1.3°F (0.71°C) above the historical (1981-2010) average — a baseline that is itself 0.8°F (0.45°C) hotter than pre-industrial levels."

Jimmy Carter First To Use Solar Panels On The White House In 1979 – Guess Who Took Them Down?
"President Obama reinstalled solar panels into the White House in 2013."

Why is Congress Trying to Give Military Half a Wildlife Refuge it Doesn't Want?

Why is Congress Trying to Give Military Half a Wildlife Refuge it Doesn't Want?

"The overreaching rider is part of a trend: this is only the latest attempt by the House Armed Services committee, long dominated by Republicans, to demolish endangered species protections through the NDAA, the annual "must-pass" legislation that authorizes annual military spending."

50 Years Ago Big Oil Bragged About Being Able To Melt Glaciers, While They Knew About Climate Change
"Newly-released oil industry documents push back the start date of the world’s most successful disinformation campaign to the 1960s, if not earlier. The must-read documents, published by The Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), strengthen the hand of the numerous attorneys general investigating whether ExxonMobil engaged in a cover-up to mislead the public and investors about the dangers of human-caused climate change."

Dr. Michael Mann on Dying Oceans & Intense Fires

NASA Publicly Humiliates Right-Wing Climate Change Deniers On Facebook With Real Science
"They also responded to two other right-wing idiots who accused the space agency of “fudging” the numbers and “deleting data"."

This New Report Will Tell You If You Live Near One Of America’s Most Threatened Rivers
"The report, released Tuesday by American Rivers, lists ten of the most threatened rivers in the country. These rivers all have two things in common: they’re threatened by mismanagement or various sources of pollution, and they’re all facing major policy decisions in the coming year that could either exacerbate those threats or rein them in. Millions of people depend on these rivers for drinking water, and the waterways are crucial habitats for a wide array of aquatic life."

Science-bashing riders are one more reason to focus intently on the federal budgeting process
"The reason they don’t want you to know about these poison pill policies is because often, these riders are special interests’ backdoor attempt to weaken science-based public protections for their own gain. And like clockwork, they continue to appear, and lawmakers continue to hope that no one will notice."

Watch: Jimmy Kimmel Perfectly Rips Sarah Palin Apart on Her Anti-Climate Change Nonsense @alternet

Watch: Jimmy Kimmel Perfectly Rips Sarah Palin Apart on Her Anti-Climate Change Nonsense @alternet:

"Sarah Palin’s appearance in a new climate change denial film called Climate Hustle got the host fired up enough to take up the dumb-dumbness that is both Palin and the entire climate change denial brigade, aka, the GOP."

Fossil Fuel Billionaires Kill Children

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

They dumbed down conservatism: How extreme right-wing market fundamentalism captured the GOP — and endangered the environment

They dumbed down conservatism: How extreme right-wing market fundamentalism captured the GOP — and endangered the environment

"These three major planks of what many call “market fundamentalism” share the same essential flaw: they take old conservative ideas and dumb them down by stripping them of all subtlety and nuance, in the process perverting their meaning to something completely at odds with the traditions of principled conservatism."